Well I have begun this journey with the Lord, trusting that He will see me through. So far it as been unimaginable how it has evolved so quickly. I am taking the Christian Girls Rock concept out to the masses. We should let the world know that Christian Girls Rock! Two years ago this wonderful lady tried to encourage me to sell the tee-shirts. But I said “No that is not for me” and she said “But it may be the way God wants to bless you.” I was not hearing that but knowing God I would not dare speak against what she said. So I said yeah you are right. Then every place I wore the shirt someone wanted the shirt. I would have to come back to get more. Until it hit me “I CAN SELL THESE SHIRTS”
Now it took some work effort but I have to say that when God is in it, OMGOODNESS!! It is so easy. That is when you know He is in it….. God you are amazing! Then I began thinking of all those this message could reach and how many women rock, starting with those awesome women from biblical times.
I heard someone say I want the shirt to say Christian Women Rock! ….. I get it because I am a women according to society however in God’s eyes I am a child in which I often refer to myself as Daddy’s little girl. No matter how old we get and how much this skinsuit we wear changes, on the inside we are still Daddy’s little girl.
But what does it mean for Christian Girl’s Rock. I will borrow from the words of my sister that eloquently stated it this way “For me, being a Christian Girl who rocks, means I celebrate the privilege of being a child of the King. I walk in the purpose He has designed for me…a purpose that allows me to, joyfully, bless other people while, ultimately, bringing honor to His name. A Christian Girl who Rocks knows who she is and whose she is – not arrogantly, but with “Godfidence.” Despite any circumstances, I know I can “rock” through them, no matter how challenging, because I rest on the Rock, the Lord, Jesus Christ! #IRockBecauseOfTheRock #CGR “deRaye Walker”
I echo those words “Despite any circumstances, I know I can “rock” through them, no matter how challenging, because I rest on the Rock, the Lord, Jesus Christ!” HE IS OUR ROCK!
Thanks for your time and love. Remember I CAN do ALL things through CHRIST who strengthen me.